Dom Wszystko Definicje Jednostka Gigahenry (GH) Definicja jednostki

Gigahenry (GH) Definicja jednostki

Inductance Unit Definition Header Showcase

The gigahenry is a multiple of the unit henry (H) for inductance. The International System of Units (SI) defines the prefix giga (G) as a factor of 109 or 1000000000. Per this definition, one gigahenry is 109 henry. The gigahenry is represented by the symbol GH.


The inductance of an electric circuit is one henry when an electric current that is changing at one ampere (A) per second (s) results in an electromotive force of one volt (V) across the inductor: V(t) = L dIdt, where V(t) denotes the resulting voltage across the circuit, I(t) is the current through the circuit, and L is the inductance of the circuit.

The henry is a derived unit based on four of the seven base units of the International System of Units: kilogram (kg), meter (m), second (s), and ampere (A). Expressed in combinations of SI units, the henry is: H = kg∙m2s2∙A2 = N∙mA2 = kg∙m2C2 = JA2 = T∙m2A = WbA = V∙sA = s2F = ΩHz = Ω∙s. Where: H = henry, kg = kilogram, m = meter, s = second, A = ampere, N = newton, C = coulomb, J = joule, T = tesla, Wb = weber, V = volt, F = farad, Ω = ohm, Hz = hertz.


Międzynarodowy system jednostek (SI) określa napisanie symbolu jednostki nazwanej przez osobę z początkowym literą kapitałową, podczas gdy nazwa nie jest skapitalizowana w tekście zdań początek zdania lub w materiale za pomocą tytułu. Narodowy Instytut Standardów i Technologii Stanów Zjednoczonych zaleca użytkownikom pisząc po angielsku do używania liczby mnogiej jako Henries.


The inductance of a coil depends on its size, the number of turns, and the permeability of the material within and surrounding the coil. Formulas can be used to calculate the inductance of many common arrangements of conductors, such as parallel wires, or a solenoid. A small air-core coil used for broadcast AM radio tuning might have an inductance of a few tens of microhenries (μH). A large motor winding with many turns around an iron core may have an inductance of hundreds of henries. The physical size of an inductance is also related to its current carrying and voltage withstand ratings.

Inne definicje jednostek indukcyjności

Przelicz na inną jednostkę indukcyjną


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“Henry (Unit).” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 23 Jan. 2021,



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