Doma Vse Kalkulatorji Matematika Percentage Difference Kalkulator

Percentage Difference Kalkulator

Krog (decimalna mesta):


Calculate the percentage difference between two nonnegative values greater than or equal to zero.

What Is Percentage Difference

Percentage difference is the difference in percentage between two nonnegative numbers that are greater than or equal to zero.

When calculating percentage difference the order of the numbers does not matter as we are simply dividing the difference between two numbers by the average of those same two numbers.

To calculate the difference in a relative manner instead you could use our percentage change calculator. It calculates difference relatively from an old number to a new number.


The formula used for calculating percentage difference is: percentage difference = |A - B| / ((A + B) / 2) × 100%.

Where A represents the first value and B represents the second value. The result is multiplied by 100 to convert from decimal form to percentage.


Given a value of 6 and 4 you want to calculate the percentage difference between these two values.

In this instance A could be 6 or 4 and B could be the other number. The order does not matter but both of the numbers must be nonnegative or in other terms greater than or equal to zero.

For this example we will use A = 4 and B = 6.

Using the formula above: percentage difference = |A - B| / ((A + B) / 2) × 100%.

Substituting A = 4 and B = 6 into the formula: percentage difference = |4 - 6| / ((4 + 6) / 2) × 100%.

Simplified: percentage difference = |-2| / (10 / 2) × 100%

Simplified further: percentage difference = 2 / 5 × 100%

Yields: percentage difference = 40%

This means that the percentage difference between 6 and 4 is 40%.

Izjava o omejitvi odgovornosti

Čeprav smo si prizadevali za testiranje tega kalkulatorja, ne smemo biti odgovorni za nobene posebne, naključne, posredne ali posledične škode ali denarne izgube, ki izhajajo iz ali v povezavi z uporabo katerega koli od orodij kalkulatorja in informacije, pridobljene s te spletne strani. Ta kalkulator je na voljo kot storitev, uporabite na lastno odgovornost. Ne uporabljajte izračunov za nič, kjer bi lahko izguba življenja, denarja, premoženja itd posledica netočnih izračunov.

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